Educational Films - making and using
Description: Makin films together, not only engages students in the subject matter, but also engages those who are more technically-minded, in the production of the film. It can be used in a home and hospital education context (HHE) by teachers who want to make short films for their pupils while they are away from the classroom, or by the ill pupil to show his/her classmates what is happening to them while they are not at school.
Notes: There are three main types of film which can be created - each of which can be used in a variety of ways.
1. Films which are solely intended to deliver factual information.
• A pre-filmed lesson which students can watch in their own time.
• A film which tells viewers about the school or hospital.
2. Films which are created to engage the students in the process of film making.
• This could be about a subject of the students’ choice, for example, cyberbullying.
• The students could be asked to create a film about a topic relating to the concepts being learned in the curriculum, for example, a film about factors affecting photosynthesis.
3. Films which share information and are more sensitive and personal in nature.
• A film created by students to share their feelings about their illness, for example, mental health or cancer, etc. This could be shared with classmates in their own school or health professionals.
Link to additional info:
A film on e-safety made by students at the hospital school
Key Educational Factors:
- creating relationship
- constructing knowledge
- taking up new roles
- inter-institutional communication
- text
- video
Educational Settings:
- hospital school
- home education
- mainstream school
Target group:
- teacher/assistant
- ICT staff school
- parent
- learner sec. sch.
Located in: Tools