Entries with Names starting with 'B'
Bednet: real-time distance education

Description: Real-time education for pupils/students with medical needs enables them to attend classes in the own mainstream school’s classroom from hospital or home. By doing so, the child’s focus is (at least temporarily) shifted from its medical condition to learning content, school retardation is being combatted, and the social contacts with classmates is maintained.
Target group:
- teacher/assistant
- ICT staff school
- learner nursery sch.
- learner elem. sch.
- learner sec. sch.
Blackboard pictures and podcast

Description: Pictures taken from the mainstream school’s classroom are sent along with a podcast to the child staying in hospital or at home during illness. Podcasts are programmes - music or talk - made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet. The combination of the podcast and pictures of the blackboard facilitates learning and staying in contact with the other students in the mainstream school.
Target group:
- teacher/assistant
- parent
- learner sec. sch.