Training actions
The Training Actions (TAs) were based on a set of Information Cards that were produced following a list of innovative practices (IPs) that had been drawn up by all of the LeHo partners. This is a collection (in google document spreadsheet form) of ideas that are innovative in terms of their use of ICT and their potential use in an HHE context. The list includes information on items such as hand-held devices, real-time distance education methods and mobile apps.
The information cards also served as templates for all the LeHo partners to create their own, based on their chosen IPs from the collection.
The Toolkit which is hosted on the LeHo online Hub, is accessible to anyone and represents a collection of resources for HHE. It contains all the information cards and other useful tools. The Information Cards can either be downloaded individually, or as a Compendium.
The training actions sessions were organised by LeHo partners in each partner country for teachers and others involved with children with medical needs. These sessions usually took the form of a brief introductory session to LeHo, followed by a more in-depth discussion of one or more ICTs from the list of innovative practices and then the session was split into groups for group work and brainstorming sessions. This was then followed by a plan of action for their own institution on how to introduce the ICT(s) in question. The teachers would then trail the ICT with their school and children (this was the fieldwork experiences) and then provide feedback via a Survey Monkey questionnaire.