Nootle iPad Flexible Stand: iPad tripod mount and flexpod tripod
Description: Nootle iPad 2, 3, 4 Flexible Stand: iPad Tripod Mount and Flexpod Tripod
This is a practical tool that is used to hold iPads , e.g. when used for interaction with ill children at home or in the hospital.
Notes: Nootle iPad 2, 3, 4 Flexible Stand: iPad Tripod Mount and Flexpod Tripod
This is a practical tool that is used to hold iPads , e.g. when used for interaction with ill children at home or in the hospital.
This item is a commercially tool that has to be purchased (currently priced at approximately $35.00 each). It enables teachers to have a more fully interactive session with students who need to use an iPad for their work. Psychologically, it means that the teacher does not have to sit facing the student, but can interact with them in a less formal way. It also means that teachers have 2 hands free during lessons instead of just one. Children in a bed or in a wheelchair can, like the teacher have both hands free to interact with the apps on the iPad or combine working on the iPad with holding e.g. a book.
Drawbacks of the device: cost, and also possible hygienic and contamination issues with children who either have contageous illnesses, or with children who need to be immunologically isolated (e.g. for cancer treatment)
Need further fieldwork trials to find out the pro's and con's of using it in different bedside situations. The suggestion to use this device came from a hospital school staff member experiencing the manipulation problem who noticed this practical solution.
Link to additional info:
Nootle iPad Flexible Stand website
- device
Educational Settings:
- hospital school
- home education
Target group:
- learner nursery sch.
- learner elem. sch.
- learner sec. sch.
Located in: Tools