Diccionario de términos empleados en este sitio
Término | Definición |
Children and Students with Medical Needs | Any children or students that face a physical, emotional or psychiatric challenge that has been diagnosed by a health professional and which often precludes him/her from attending a mainstream school regularly |
Children with special health care needs (SHCN) | Children with special health care needs (SHCN) are those who ‘have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, develop- mental, behavioural or emotional condition and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally’ (Newacheck et al. 1998) |
Home Teacher for Children and Students with Medical Needs | A teacher who teaches the child/student with medical condition at home. This can be the teacher of the school of belonging of the child or mainstream school, a voluntary teacher, or any other kind of teacher. This always happens in consultation with the mainstream school of the child/student. |
Hospital Teacher | A teacher at a hospital school: Possible tasks: teaching according the abilities, need and curriculum of children and students with medical conditions, counselling, contacting the mainstream school, setting up compensation for the students disadvantages and school career, supporting reintegration or inclusion. |
School Roll | The school's list of pupils enrolled in that school. |
Synchronous Internet Education - Mentor | A coach who facilitates SIE: providing information to all users, securing communication and consultation between schools and families, monitoring the education, pedagogical supporting of teachers, ... always out of best interest of the child with medical needs. |
Workers involved | Staff involved with children or students with medical conditions in their learning e. g. nurses, volunteers, technicians and others. |