MMB-Institute for Media and Competence Research
MMB is an independent, private research institute and consultancy and was founded in 1996 by Dr. Lutz P. Michel in Essen/Germany and is now located in Essen and Berlin. Clients of the independent, private research and consulting institute are companies, public institutions and federal ministries. MMB covers several key research topics in the field of media and competence research.
The main subjects are:
● Vocational education and training
● media-based learning / digital learning / e-learning
● accompanying research (pilot projects)
● labour market development
● location development analysis
● supporting and evaluation research.
Beside the owner and managing director, Dr. Lutz P. Michel, the MMB team includes six members of staff. Most of them have a degree in social sciences, mainly in communication and media studies.
Current subjects of MMB are: relationship between labour and media, development of new job profiles in media and communication, and optimisation of educational concepts.
Main subjects of current research are:
● acceptance, usage and evaluation of e-learning
● supporting and evaluating research of innovative projects in the field of education and training
● quality assurance and accreditation in higher education
● competence-profiling
● monitoring of the labour market
● human resources development.
MMB was responsible for support and evaluation of the LERNET project, financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (2001-2008); MMB has been a member of several European project consortia.
In this scope MMB conducts studies and research projects, arranges hearings, moderates experts dialogues and derives recommendations, concepts and guidelines to initiate further actions.
Role in the project:
In the first place MMB concerns on the internal evaluation of the project. In this field MMB has great experiences by evaluating several German funding programmes (LERNET, LiNe-Lernideen, New Media in Vocational Training, Next Generation Media) funded by two German federal ministries.
The internal evaluation (WP.8, quality assurance) helps to discover risks, compare the status quo with project aims and supports steering the project to subsistent results. Here we work close together with the external evaluation.
In the second place MMB is a link between the scientific community and the project. MMB explores scientific and non-scientific publications about HHE to provide the results to the project members.
Furthermore MMB will support the conception of research tools in WP4 “Field analysis” (carry out this research for Germany and Austria) in a strong cooperation with the Staatliche Schule für Kranke München. MMB also supports WP5 “ICT related initiatives” and WP6 “Training, Fieldwork Experiences and Webinars”.
Download the presentation from the KO meeting in Milan
Stai cercando materiali per rinnovare la scuola domiciliare o in ospedale?
Il toolkit del progetto Leho è finalmente pronto ad essere utilizzato. Sono presenti Strumenti, Risorse e documenti utili a livello istituzionale elaborati nel campo della Educazione domiciliare ed ospedaliera (HHE) in Europa.
Insegnare a bambini e ragazzi malati
Educazione domiciliare ed in ospedale: Guida internazionale alle nuove pratiche
Questo libro serve ad aiutare insegnanti ospedalieri e domiciliari a collegare strumenti, risorse e buone pratiche con gli aspetti teorici elaborati dal progetto LeHo. Si tratta quindi di uno strumento utile a sostenere ed indirizzare il lavoro quotidiano di insenganti di scuola in ospedale e domiciliare.