
Founded in 2003, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano is an agile and practical vehicle that opens doors to complex research for business enterprises, develops plans, encourages and supports the development of structures and laboratories, extends excellent competences, stimulates the creation of new technology-oriented companies.
Digital Learning and Collaboration is strategic area is aimed at creating new links and opportunities for the development of e-learning and e-collaboration programmes.
The ability of this area is to use and integrate different technologies and ICT tools with innovative methodologies to facilitate transfer of knowledge, information sharing, distance e-learning programs and e-collaboration practices.
Matteo Uggeri is the Coordinator of this project.

Gioco e Studio in Ospedale and Centro Documentazione A.C. Capelli (Play and Study in Hospital and Documentation Centre A.C. Capelli) were formed in February 1997. The Association draws its origins from the previous group of study and research developed in 1981 by Dr. Capelli, a Milan-based educational psychologist engaged in education and school services at the hospital since 1957.
AGESO is a cultural, non-partisan, non-denominational, non-profit organization which, through the voluntary commitment of its members, aims to disseminate, promote and safeguard the right to play and study of children in conditions of disease and hospitalization. To this end, AGESO is committed both to raise awareness of public and private bodies, is to collect and disseminate educational psychology and regulatory information to those who, for various reasons (educators, teachers, volunteers, medical and paramedical staff), feel the need for a cultural exchange and professional on recreational and educational issues in the healthcare environment.

The Royal Free Hospital Children's School (RFHCS) is a community Special School for pupils aged 5 to 16.
It offers high quality education for all children who are inpatients at the Royal Free Hospital.
It also provides a limited number of places for children who are not inpatients but who are receiving support from medical or mental health services and may benefit from attending our school on a daily basis. The school operates within a multidisciplinary framework; working closely with a range of professionals including consultant doctors, mental health professionals, physiotherapists, speech therapists and other agencies.

The Canterbury Centre health pupil referral unit (HPRU) dealS with pupils 11 to 16 who have mental health problems and also pupils with other special needs. The Centre teaches pupils at home/School and also teach teenage pregnancy girls. Its mission statement is to work with children and their families, schools and a range of professionals, including medical staff to support pupils to attend school, to engage with and enjoy learning, to achieve and to become confident and independent adults living fulfilled lives.

The Comprehensive School "Via P. Maffi" has three regional offices located in the Roman district of Primavalle - Torrevecchia, in the fourteenth (ex XIX) Hall, a historic area of Rome suburb. The intersection with the social and economic changes of the city determines the socio-cultural and economic situation of the catchment area, where educational needs are periodically measured to provide a high learning quality.
The building "Maffi", located in Via Pietro Maffi 45, is the legal and administrative headquarters of the Comprehensive and houses the Municipal nursery school and primary school classes full-time.
The Comprehensive School also comprises four Hospital sections:
- University Hospital "A. Gemini",
- Clinical Hematology Hospital Univ. "Umberto I"
- Clinical Pediatric Hospital Univ. "Umberto I"
- Hospital "Bambino Gesù" Palidoro.

Forest House Education Centre is a hospital school for 13-18 year old students, in-patient facility on the Kingsley Green hospital site. The Centre provides education for the patients occupying the Adolescent Unit's sixteen beds, while additionally being the sole educator for a small number of 'day pupils' who are referred to us by ESTMA (the LEA's tutorial service for young people who are out of mainstream education for medical reasons). Since all of our pupils have issues affecting their mental health, supporting them towards better mental health functioning within education (cultivating good communication skills, working to overcome barriers presented by illness, increasing motivation, encouraging hope for the future) is central to our work.
Nonetheless, the Education Centre aims to emulate the core characteristics of a mainstream school (excellent quality educational provision, high aspirations, structure, variety) in a context that is nurturing, stimulating, and small enough to be meet the individual needs of our students.

The University of Perugia (UNIPG) has a rich history and is one of the oldest universities in Italy. The Department of Philosophy, Social & Human Sciences and Education, (formerly the Department Education and Human Sciences) was founded in 2004 with the main objective of gathering experts from various disciplines (e.g., Philosophy, Linguistics, Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, History and Art) to better study the history and the education of our society and understand today’s deep transformation in the culture.
UNIPG’s role in the LeHo project is: first, the creation and realization of key educational factors in a distance learning situation (i.e., ICT) for children who, due to medical conditions, must stay at home or in the hospital for extended periods. Second, the realization of focus groups of teachers and child-care professionals from all over Europe and Egypt in order to discuss these educational factors. Third, the realization of a multi-language version of the Quality of Student Life Scale to help better understand the impact of distance learning for children who cannot attend school for extended periods of time due to a medical condition.

The non-profit organization Bednet was founded to serve children and adolescents aged from 6 to 18 years in the Flemish region (Belgium) who suffer from long-term and/or chronic illness. The service wants to decrease the learning gap caused by the illness and to re-establish / maintain social contact of sick children with the “outside world”, in particular their friends and teacher(s).
The Bednet scheme enables the child to attend classes and educational activities of his/her own mainstream school through broadband internet links.

The Staatliche Schule für Kranke München, founded in 1984, takes care of approximately 1000 children and young people of compulsory school age, who due to a longer illness are unable to attend their mainstream school for a period of more than six weeks. The hospital school also cares for pupils and students, who repeatedly are unable to attend their mainstream school for a short period of time. Moreover, the hospital school offers counselling for pupils and students with medical conditions, their parents, the mainstream schools and their superior authorities. In some cases home tuition is offered as well.
Education is based on the close collaboration between the medical staff and the hospital teachers. The educational support includes the teaching of different subjects. Lessons are adapted to the momentary state, individual need and the current capability of the pupils and students. The method of teaching is organized either individually, in groups or via video conference.

MMB is an independent, private research institute and consultancy and was founded in 1996 by Dr. Lutz P. Michel in Essen/Germany and is now located in Essen and Berlin. Clients of the independent, private research and consulting institute are companies, public institutions and federal ministries. MMB covers several key research topics in the field of media and competence research.

The European Distance and E-Learning Network exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
EDEN, based on its former experience and extensive professional network, is responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of the project results and outputs both via the use of electronic information channels (web sites and electronic newsletters) and via face to face events – such as by providing visibility within the programme of the EDEN conferences; and consultation in formulation of key messages and of criteria for good practice.

The Children’s Hospital School provides appropriate education for students who are too ill to attend their mainstream school. Our role is to support, educate and enable students to reintegrate as, when, and if appropriate.
There are three school sites and we have an outreach team who teach in pupils’ homes. The length of time students stay varies from a few days at the Leicester Royal Infirmary and Oakham House, to over a year at the Willow Bank Day School and on outreach.

The Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 is an incredible project that is a true example of the goodness of mankind and what can be achieved when people work together for a common goal. Egyptians and people from all over the world and most particularly in the Arab world have contributed generously to the hospital in their wish to support change and improvement and also in their desire to contribute in any way for the future of our countries and our children, both the sick and the healthy.

KIM helps companies, research centres, investors and public administrations to improve the return on their R&D investments. KIM is a member of The Knowledge Agents Alliance, formed by Knowledge Innovation Market (KIM), MRI International and Knowledge Investors (KI). For the LeHo project, KIM has supported the sustainability strategy.

The School "Bernacchia-Brigida" is divided into four complexes and interacts with a diverse territory consisting of central areas and others that are actually in gradual expansion and affirmation. The school buildings, large and in a reasonable state of general conservation, provide a suitable environment to the cultural needs, sanitation and motor adolescents and allow full inclusion for disabled pupils.

The Hospital and Home Teaching Service provides education to young people who are too unwell to attend school. It provides this service on the Acorn Paediatric ward at Whipps Cross Hospital where patients can attend lessons in our schoolroom or play in our playroom. Where resources allow, it also tries to visit young people on the adult wards around the hospital, providing a useful contact between hospital and school/college. Its experienced staff also visit young people aged 4 - 18 (19 for pupils with SEN) in their homes, delivering lessons in English, Maths, Science, ICT and Business Studies and supporting pupils in other subjects where possible.

Linn Dara School is a special school in Dublin providing education for children and young people in both a child and adolescent mental health inpatient unit and a day hospital. We provide continuity of educational provision for children and young people who are temporarily absent from school due to their mental health needs. The Linn Dara School Transition Programme for outpatients no longer admitted to hospital has been operating since November 2015 in order to assist pupils return to education.