HHE institutional information
LeHo has conducted an in depth analysis on all the institutional environments of Home and Hospital Education (HHE) in Europe.
This includes the state of HHE in terms of regulations, laws, organisation, initiatives and policies, within the LeHo project partnership countries: Germany (North Rhine Westphalia and Bavaria regions), UK, Italy, Belgium (Flanders), Spain (Catalonia region), plus a focus on Egypt and additional information from Greece and Poland.
In this section you can find the overall big document that collects and compare the different situations (done in June 2015, but in most cases still valid), plus several shorter presentations made by the LeHo Board of Expert members in order to show the specific situation on their countries from their point of view.
NOTE: the order is not aphabetical but from the latest updted one first.
Apprendere a scuola ed in ospedale verso un Modello Europeo (Towards a European Model) - ITA

- policy maker
انتعهى ببن نًزل و ان سًتشفً (Towards a European Model) - ARABIC

- policy maker
Der Weg zu einem europäischen Modell (Towards a European Model) - GER

- policy maker
HHE in Catalonia

- teacher/assistant
- ICT staff school
- parent
- medical staff
- learner nursery sch.
- policy maker
HHE and ICT in Italy - The Italian Portal for School in the Hospital (ENGLISH)

- teacher/assistant
- ICT staff school
- parent
- learner elem. sch.
- learner sec. sch.
- policy maker
HHE and ICT in Italy - Il Portale Scuola in Ospedale (ITALIAN)
 - 2015 ITA - PICTURE.png)
- teacher/assistant
- ICT staff school
- parent
- learner elem. sch.
- learner sec. sch.
- policy maker