57357 - Children's Cancer Hospital Egypt
The Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 is an incredible project that is a true example of the goodness of mankind and what can be achieved when people work together for a common goal. Egyptians and people from all over the world and most particularly in the Arab world have contributed generously to the hospital in their wish to support change and improvement and also in their desire to contribute in any way for the future of our countries and our children, both the sick and the healthy.
Egyptians have demonstrated their generosity and their love for their children through the building of Hospital 57357 which has been built completely by donation. They have worked together since the inception of the idea of building a state of the art children’s cancer hospital to achieve the dream of a better tomorrow for our children. For, not only is this project attempting to increase the childhood cancer survival rate in Egypt from less than an estimated 40% to the Western rates of 75-80% overall survival, it is also attempting to create a new system of healthcare where management and treatment utilize the most scientific approaches practiced today.
With 4years of operation completed, 75% overall survival has been achieved! As part of its integrated management of childhood cancers the hospital cooperated with Modern Schools of Egypt 2000 to provide in-hospital education for children who stay long away from their schools.
It is noteworthy that 57357 school program first started as a trial in 2008 and was attended by only 20 in-patients. Since then, the number of students has increased to 1863 children who have at one point in time been receiving schooling education during their stay at the hospital. The in-hospital school program covers the primary, preparatory, and just recently the secondary education levels and offers in-patients the possibility of taking their end of year exams at the Hospital. Subsequently, some of the children were able to achieve the best grades in their regular schools and to join university. Hospital 57357 does not limit itself to providing quality care and cure for all patients without discrimination for free, but it is committed to cater in a comprehensive manner to the needs of the sick child so as to restore his hope in a better future.
Hospital Team for LeHo:
Ahmad Samir Alfaar - Project Coordinator at Hospital 57357 - LinkedIn
Nermeen AbdelSalam - Hospital School Coordinator, Head of Volunteers Department
Mohamed ElShami - Director of the Psychiatric Department
Download the presentation from the KO meeting in Milan
Website: www.57357.com
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Insegnare a bambini e ragazzi malati
Educazione domiciliare ed in ospedale: Guida internazionale alle nuove pratiche
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