Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e della Formazione dell'Univeristà degli Studi di Perugia
The University of Perugia (UNIPG) has a rich history and is one of the oldest universities in Italy. Records dating back to 1285 represent the foundation of the University when a Studium (medieval higher educational establishment) was established by the Perugia Town Council. Today, The University of Perugia is a modern, multi-campus educational institution whose primary aim is to provide the highest quality degree programmes and advanced scientific research and development. UNIPG is structured in 11 Faculties, 29 Departments, 25 Service Offices and Centres, 3 Centres of Excellence, with more than 35,000 students enrolled, 1200 teaching staff members, and more than 1000 administrators.
The Department of Philosophy, Social & Human Sciences and Education, (formerly the Department Education and Human Sciences) was founded in 2004 with the main objective of gathering experts from various disciplines (e.g., Philosophy, Linguistics, Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, History and Art) to better study the history and the education of our society and understand today’s deep transformation in the culture.
The Department:
- Promotes and coordinates scientific research in the above fields;
- Organises and supervises Doctorate courses;
- Organises community courses and training programmes both for its members and the general public;
- Formulates agreements with community centres, schools, health departments, museums to promote culture and research on human development.
Role in the project
UNIPG’s role in the LeHo project is fourfold.
First, the creation and realization of key educational factors in a distance learning situation (i.e., ICT) for children who, due to medical conditions, must stay at home or in the hospital for extended periods. Second, the realization of focus groups of teachers and child-care professionals from all over Europe and Egypt in order to discuss these educational factors. Third, the realization of a multi-language version of the Quality of Student Life Scale to help better understand the impact of distance learning for children who cannot attend school for extended periods of time due to a medical condition. Finally, a final report and analysis of the focus group experience.
See the short presentation from the KO meeting in Milan.
website: www.suef.unipg.it
Stai cercando materiali per rinnovare la scuola domiciliare o in ospedale?
Il toolkit del progetto Leho è finalmente pronto ad essere utilizzato. Sono presenti Strumenti, Risorse e documenti utili a livello istituzionale elaborati nel campo della Educazione domiciliare ed ospedaliera (HHE) in Europa.
Insegnare a bambini e ragazzi malati
Educazione domiciliare ed in ospedale: Guida internazionale alle nuove pratiche
Questo libro serve ad aiutare insegnanti ospedalieri e domiciliari a collegare strumenti, risorse e buone pratiche con gli aspetti teorici elaborati dal progetto LeHo. Si tratta quindi di uno strumento utile a sostenere ed indirizzare il lavoro quotidiano di insenganti di scuola in ospedale e domiciliare.