Practical Guide
HHE: a guide to international innovative practice
This book helps the HHE teachers to match the potentials of the tools, resources and practices available in the LeHo Toolkit with the key theories and related good practices. It will be a support for the following ordinary activities and aspects of the HHE teachers.
This HHE Guide can be used alongside other LeHo products, especially the LeHo Toolkit and the other materials that are referred to in this Guide. There is some duplication of the information contained in these materials but this Guide also provides teachers with pathways that lead to quality education for pupils and students with medical needs. Furthermore this Guide is in the format of an e-book, whereas the other materials in the LeHo project may be multimedia.
For whom is this Guide intended?
The Guide can be beneficial for:
• Teachers who have no, or only limited, experience with children and students with medical needs
• Teachers who already have experience of teaching this group of learners
How to use this Guide?
The Guide can be used as a reflection and study book for personal use, but we suggest that it is best used with groups of teachers (e.g., colleagues within the same school, but also groups of teachers from different educational settings) to work through together.
Terms that are used in the Guide are normally explained in the text. An extended glossary of terms related to HHE and ICT is part of the LeHo website.
To help start your reflection and discussions with colleagues, two support aids have been added to the text of the Guide:
• Balloons in the right-hand margin provide indications to the content of the adjacent paragraphs
• Boxes with questions and suggestions act as “advance organizers” (a term introduced by Ausubel and defined by Mayer as “information that is presented prior to learning and that can be used by the learner to organize and interpret new incoming information”).
It is hoped that you will be prepared to share any new insights arising from these discussions, or from your own personal reflections, with other teachers throughout Europe, along with any experiences of innovative practices that you have tried (and which have hopefully been successful).
The LeHo toolkit has a dedicated section for you to do so.
Aims of this Guide
After working through the Guide, you should:
1. Have obtained a better understanding of the complexity of education for children with a medical condition
2. Have gained new insights that may lead you to improve the quality of your work and/or additional tools that support your practices in HHE
3. Have fostered stimulating relationships with colleagues in the (hospital or/and mainstream) schools your pupils attend.
English | Italian | Spanish |
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