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Join the LeHo WEBINARS to learn about innovative tools and relevant resources for home and hospital education practitioners, stakeholders and interested parties. 12 webinars (6 national and 6 international, held in English, German, Flemish, Italian and Spanish) took place between May – December 2016. The recordings are available on the list below and on the LeHo YT channel (updated regularely).

LeHo YouTube channel

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RECORDED WEBINARS (available through Adobe connect)

Webinar 1 German - ScreenshotMobile Apps, die Ihren Lehrerinnen und Lehrern den Alltag erleichtern

PDF presentation

May/31/2016 - in German

Speaker: Lutz Goertz of mmb Institut




Webinar 2 German - ScreenshotWas tun KollegInnen in anderen europäischen Ländern mit Neuen Medien?
Wie schaut guter Medieneinsatz im Unterricht aus?
Wo bekomme ich Unterstützung, z. B. für die Beschaffung der Technik?

PDF presentation

June/15/2016 - in German

Speaker: Alto Merkt of Schule für Kranke München



Webinar-3-ITASei fattori chiave per l'educazione ospedaliera e domiciliare

Webinar presentation

September/28/2016 - in Italian

Speaker: Michele Capurso and John Dennis of Universitá di Perugia




Webinar 4 ENGMobile apps helping teachers in everyday life
Free apps for school exercises, e.g. for exchange with parents, teachers of other schools or to support pupils’ creativity.

Webinar presentation

October/19/2016 - in English

Speaker: Lutz Goerz of mmb Institut




Webinar 5 ENGWhich ICT works best for HHE? Outcomes of fieldwork trials across Europe

November/02/2016 - in English

Speaker: Suzanne Lavelle - Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!





Webinar 6 ENGFrom ICT focus group analysis in home hospital education to a practical guide: The LeHo project

Webinar presentation

September/28/2016- in Italian

Speaker: Michele Capurso and John Dennis of Universitá di Perugia



Webinar 8 FL slidesNational webinar Belgium - Questions about students in HHE: a practical guide

November/16/2016 - in Flemish

Speaker: Tania Dobbelaere of Bednet
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Webinar 7 ENG slidesFrom ICT focus group analysis in home hospital education to a practical guide: The LeHo project

November/16/2016 - in English

Speaker: Maarten Vion of Bednet


Webinar 9 SP slidesSuccessful learning and Key Educational Factors (KEFs)

November/25/2016 - in Spanish

Speaker: Isaac Matamoros of KIM


Webinar 10 ENThe HHE EU Model

December/16/2016 - in English

Speaker: Isaac Matamoros of KIM